Maple Cheese Board with Walnut Inlay

maple cheese boardThis maple cheese board with walnut inlay was a gift for my wife. I didn’t take many pictures on this one, but after milling the maple to the correct size, I made three partial cross-cuts for the inlay (obviously on purpose – I hadn’t originally planned for two or anything…), and then cut and glued in the walnut inlay.

maple cheese board  maple cheese board

Then a dado stack was used to remove the wood from the underside of the board and create two rails for ‘feet’. Following that, a bowl-carving router bit was used to make the underside and interior curves smooth before using a round-over bit to make all the outside corners rounded.

maple cheese board   maple cheese board

The cheese knives were made from maple and walnut to match the maple cheese board and it’s walnut inlay. Knives were cut from a template using a band saw and then a belt sander was used to shape them into functioning knives.  Knives and boards were finished with Odie’s wood butter.

maple cheese board

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