Category Archives: glassybaby holders

Glassybaby Votive Holders – Steel & Walnut

glassybaby votive holders

These walnut and steel glassybaby votive holders started as a project for a Christmas and birthday present for my mother-in-law.  The original one can hold five glassybaby votives, while the “birthday present” holders pictured can hold two glassybaby votives each.
Two double glassybaby holders double glassybaby holder

The Process

After milling the stock and creating a jig, a bowl-carving router bit was used to create the indentations in the walnut to hold the glassybaby votives.
glassybaby holder jig

After cutting the steel angles, and grinding and filing the edges, a drill press was used to bore holes for attaching them to the walnut.
glassybaby holder unattachedglassybaby holder unfinished

Following attachment of the feet/handles to the glassybaby votive holders, they were sanded and then treated with Odie’s Wood Butter, and then buffed to a shine.
glassybaby holder with wood butterlassy baby holder finishedlassy baby holder finishedChristmas glassybaby holdersteel and walnut glassybaby holders

Aspen Log Glassybaby Holder

aspen log glassybaby holderThis aspen log glassybaby holder was a present for a friend’s birthday.  The wood came from a felled Aspen on their property in Winthrop, WA.  They had originally requested a coat rack for their cabin, and I had the idea while staying out there to use the aspen for it.  Not a great woodworking wood, but I love how they both turned out.  The hard part was finding the hardware for the coat rack – stalled the project for a long while, but then I came across them at The ReStore.

Aspen Coat Rack      Aspen Coat Rack

The log glassybaby holder itself is – like the coat rack – fairly simple.  The second half of the aspen log sanded flat on the bottom, with four rubber feet, and spaces for the three Glassybaby votives drilled with a large forstner bit.

aspen log glassybaby holder      aspen log glassybaby holderaspen log glassybaby holder